Wholesale office supplies
5 min reading time
5 min reading time
At first glance, furnishing an office seems very simple. After all, there are countless offices all over the world with desks, chairs, cupboards, etc. that function perfectly. Or can it be better? With more and more employees working behind the computer instead of doing physical work, we as a society are discovering that office buildings are often not optimally equipped. As a supplier of office supplies and gaming accessories, we are increasingly being asked whether we can help with the selection and purchase of office supplies. A question to which we would like to find a suitable answer together, together as a B2B supplier with an eye for both employer and employee. If you sit (or stand) well, you work better. We are the wholesaler of office chairs and related items for the office that likes to work with the customer to find a suitable solution.
In the United States, the concept of the 'cubicle' has been the standard for many years. An office was divided into small cubicles where employees had to do their work in a shielded way. The starting point was to work more efficiently with minimal distractions. As a concept it seemed obvious, but if you take into account the people who work there, the negatives immediately emerge. Those small spaces feel claustrophobic and there is no team spirit if everyone has to camp in his or her own cubicle. Office design means finding the balance between functionality, productivity and certainly humanity. As a supplier of office supplies, we see many products passing by. Some articles look nice but they just don't fit in a professional environment. We are happy to help companies make the right choices, because there is no standard solution. Just as an office chair is adjustable, an office must fit the user like a jacket. Consider points of interest such as:
With a modular office design you can quickly respond to new situations without incurring high costs. Knowing more? Then contact our specialists.
Everything seems like a game these days. Is that new? No, we have been collecting stamps in the supermarket for years and 'learning through play' has proven to be very effective in promoting insight among students. Can you apply this kind of gamification to office supplies? In addition to wholesale office chairs, desks and accessories for business use, we also have a lot of experience with products for gamers. This is a completely different target group from which companies can learn a lot. For example, a gamer can perform optimally if the environment offers comfort. Think of a chair that is comfortable, a desk with cables that are neatly concealed and a mouse / keyboard combination that enables precise actions. The right tools determine wins or losses in a game where every millisecond counts. What can we learn from this as a supplier of office supplies?
To win in games 'upgrades' are important. This allows you to jump higher, collect more or collect more points. Office supplies are upgrades in real life, such as ergonomic office chairs. Good design makes it more pleasant to sit and work for longer periods of time. This allows the employee to perform better. In addition, the chance of absenteeism due to physical complaints is lower, which is of course also important for a company. Not everyone has the same needs, which is why customization can be provided. The frameworks of the law are a good starting point, but they do not take into account the company results. As a partner in office supplies, we go beyond ergonomics and collective labor agreement rules, we look very practically at what a company needs, what the budget is and how we can achieve better (business) results together. Think of innovative options such as dropshipping of office supplies.
An office chair wholesaler can supply chairs to retail and that is usually the end of it. As a supplier of office supplies to both consumers and companies, we know all the steps in the chain. For example, we can serve the intermediate trade with, for example, dropshipping of office supplies. How does this work? The seller of a shop or an interior designer is commissioned to furnish an office. An expert makes the plans and puts together a configuration based on a wide range of products. These products are ordered directly from us and we take care of the delivery. Drop shipping of office supplies works completely transparently for the customer. You provide the service, we arrange the delivery. In this way we make the chain from manufacturer to customer more efficient.
Would you like to know more about our dropshipping office supplies? Please feel free to contact us for more information about the possibilities.